viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

How to write lesson objectives

This topic makes mention about how to write appropriate lesson objectives. Well, this is associated with the bloom´s taxonomy where we can find the appropriate words depending on the level of learners and the class that teachers want to develop for them. In the lesson plan the developing of the activities are started from the aim and the objectivesto structure correctly the class. Besides, we can find some types of objectives such as:cognitive, psychomotor and affective in which we focus the attitudes, skills and mental process of learners to develop correctly the activities and in general the class.

Additionally, I have to admit that I learnt a lot practising writing objectives especially when I had to prepare a class for my classmates and the activities that were connected with the aim and the other objectives. in that moment where I was thinking in the objectives, I didn´t know how to write the objectives because it cost me work to think but I was a ble to give some objectives to do it in class more appropriate and productive to work out the language.

At the end, I did what I pretended to do, writing the objectives and allowing the students to learn more focused on my objectives. Finally, I will put into practice the writing of objectives giving a clear purpose of the class when I become a teacher and I can teach the language more adequate but it stars from the objectives where I need more practice. 

References,. (2016). Writing Objectives Using Bloom's Taxonomy | The Center for Teaching and Learning | UNC Charlotte. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016).Assignment 1. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016). How to Write Learning Objectives that Meet Demanding Behavioral Criteria. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Lesson Study

Firstly, this topic shows how to work in a cooperative way between teachers in order to organize  a good class looking for possible strategies, techniques, tasks,etc. for the learners in the class even to make some improvements to add other techniques for the learners.

 Besides, I can say that I was able to learn how to prepare a good class using my ideas and my classmates ideas based on strategies, tasks and activities after each group´s presentation. In other words, I can say that they used the lesson study as a communicative class in order to work out  a message where all of us were participants giving some patterns of language and the exercises were very fun to pay attention and to get the classmate´s attention, too.Besides, the activities were very interesting becasue they could use some handouts, charts, slides, realia, flashcards, etc. these aids were very essential to prepare the class and to get to know how to prepare a future class.

To sum up, I can conclude that the next time that I can prepare a class, I will use everything of this lesson study to give my students a pedagogic teaching to make the class more interesting and communicative to teach them the target language and they can enjoy the class and the activities that we will do together.

References,. (2016). what is lesson study. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016).Lesson Study. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016) Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Bloom´s taxonomy

This topic mainly makes reference to write objectives in the lesson plan but at the moment of writing the aim and the objectives we just write them but we don´t give a specific purpose to do it at the moment of planning a class. In other words, we don´t think exactly what we want as a teacher and what we want of our students. For that reason, the bloom´s taxonomy give essential verbs to write correctly the objectives according to the level of learner´s learning.
According to this introduction, I admit that I could learn how to write the aim and the objectives in a more appropriate way based on a piramid or scale about he language class and the purpose created the class. For that reason in the blooms taxonomy there are levels such as: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, syntesis and evaluation where there are many appropriate verbs to write the objectives to give sense to the development of an English class what I expect to produce well.

In conclusion, the next time that I expect to use the terms of the bloom´s taxonomy i when I become a teacher and I can apply these words to write good objectives based on what activities, tasks, topics and strategies I want to develop ith my students in order to make a class very productive and communicative.

References,. (2016). Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains: The Cognitive Domain. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016). Bloom's Taxonomy. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016). bloom's taxonomy of learning domains - bloom's learning model, for teaching, lesson plans, training cousres design planning and evaluation. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Categorising learners´ mistakes

This topic is very important at the moment of correcting students because the teacher doesn´t correct students in a traditional way. The teacher is able to detect the learners mistakes according to the type of mistake. In this case we can find the errors and slips. This last one is based on the learners emotions, thoughts and feelings. For that reason, it is relevent that the teacher tries to find the best choices to correct learners in a more educative way.
I have to admit that this topic really interested me because I could learn that there are many strategies to correct students in a more appropriate way to guide students correctly to the acquisition of language but sometimes they are in a beginning level. For example, when they mispronounce a word, the teacher can drill or make repetitions to correct with no using a word "bad" or"it is not good". In other cases in a more pedagogical class, these words are prohibited because these words can affect the learners motivation and it could produce unmotivation but it depends on the attitude of the teacher to correct the learners based on the context. Finally, the learners make interference between the L1 language and the target langauge confusing some similar words that dont have the same meaning in both languages. For that reason, I could know some strategies to correct learners and even there is interactive strategies where the learners correct themselves to make helps and they can learn from their classmates.
Finally, I will be able to apply and improve these strategies in order to guide my English class giving to my students a correct feedback based on the errors focused on punctuations, accuracy, inacuracy  and utterances that are going to help them to develop the language and prevent the developmental errors. 


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Categorising learners' mistakes. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 194-198. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.031

Onestopenglish,. (2016). TKT Tip 08: Module 3 - Categorizing learners' mistakes. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from,. (2016). Categorising learners´ mistakes. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Identifying the functions of learner´s language

This topic is mainly focused on the functions that learners apply in order to understand a class, topic, to acquire appropriately the target language according to the purpose of the class and the learners needs.

I consider that the learners functions are a relevant part because I was able to notice some things to do before, during and after a lesson. For example, greeting the teacher when he or she is arriving to the class. In this case to say hello or hi to the teacher. Besides, I could learn when learners dont understand tasks or instructions in a class, they can ask for clarification in order to understand instructions more appropriately to get to know correctly the language. Finally, at the moment that the teacher has read a story, the learners are able to summarize the same story using their own words to make some improvements of the target language.

As a conclusion, I have to say that I will apply this topic at the beggining of a school year in order to give my students some chunks of the language to understand each other to use English more in this kind of functions and to help to them to use frequently the language in any activity in which there will interaction between the teacher and my students. 

References,. (2016). Identifying the functions of learners' language. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Identifying the functions of learners' language. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 190-193. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.030,. (2016). Identifying the functions of learners language Jeopardy Template. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

First, we have to say that the teacher wants the production the the second language in students. For that reason, the teacher is the guide to develop a class where the students must develop productive skills to process the language and use it in a paticular situation focused on the context, exponent to know in which case the language is used particularly in formal and informal situations.

Second, the teacher is able to do activities to make that his/her students can see how the language works according to the function and the purpose in which the language is used. Besides, the teacher must get the attention of the students with the participation of some of them while the rest is listening. Finally, the teacher can model a situation in which he or she can make an example of how a conversation is developed and so the students can find out how the second language works and enjoy acquiring the language appropriatelly.
To sum up, I was able to do a class where I could explain the use of functions of the language where I was able to use a real example to make students to notice the correct use of language in a real conversation to motivate them to practice correctly the language. Finally, I will apply that knowledge creating activities where the students can develop the language using any kind of real situation to be showed in class to make students interest in the benefits of speaking English.  


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 184-189. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.029,. (2016). Jeopardy unit 27 - using language appropriately for a range of clas…. Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Caballero, E., Caballero, E., & profile, V. (2012). Mis notas para el TKT: Teachers' and learnenrs' language in Retrieved 29 January 2016, from

Selection and use of teaching aids

Firstly, at the moment of planning a topic for a class, the teacher must identify what resources or aids use in order to develop a class. In addition, he or she should look at the aim and the objetives, subsidiary objects to establish the procedure of the class according to the skills, grammatical functions to be developed for the learners in the English class.
Second, the aids and materials are applied according of the level of the class and the availability of resources of the institution. In this case technology equipment such as: overhead projector, the computer, speakers,etc. These resources can be a great help to get the attetion of advanced learners. In the other hand, there are other aids that are relevant to get the attetion of learners such as: visuals, flashcards, handouts, realia, etc. The majority of these resources are to learn new vocabulary and pronunciation focused on the activities planned in the lesson plan.

To summarise, all of these reosurces are very relevant for us because as future teachers we could notice that any o these resources are so essential. In other words, the teacher can adapt the teaching of English according to his/her methodology, critical thinking in order to make a productive class based on the aim and what the teacher wants to produce in the students.  


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Selection and use of teaching aids. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 166-183. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.028,. (2016). Training the Trainer Resource Pack :: Teaching aids. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

chen loyola,. (2013). VISUAL AIDS: Importance, selection and usage. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities

According to this topic the supplementary materials are extra books with extra activities that provide extra information of a topic. Besides, it includes, extra grammar, vocabulary and exercises in order to reinforce the knowledge in the students to acquire appropriately the second language (English). 

After that, we can say that the supplementary activities are chosen according to the level of the students, needs, class profile and the learning styles to give them more information about the topic studied in any moment in any time applied for the benefit of the student. 

Finally, when the teacher carefully selects this kind of activities and materials, he/she focuses on the context that these provide and that they cannot be used for the same time. In this case there´s should be variety of activities for every day or class in which learners could work in pairs or in groups what produce interaction.

To summarize, I was able to learn the organization, the planning and the activities which are very essential to prepare correctly a class not only following the coursebook that is basically important unless finding extra activities in internet that is the most modern resource to teach the second language. Finally, I will apply this knowledge looking exercises, surveys, magazines that can be applied to produce the language in the learners using real situation topics and interaction between students.  


Yesy´s space...,. (2012). Unit 25: Selecting and use of supplementary materials and activities.. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 15 January 2016, from,. (2016). Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

Selection and use of coursebook materials

In this topic, I have to mention that teachers use many supplementary activities that can be found in internet and in other books in order to improve teaching and learning in students according to the context that is found in a unit or topic for a class.

However, the coursebook has many supplementary activities for the acquisition of the second language or English such as: Teacher´s book which guides the teacher to develop the activities fro the students. Besides, there is the workbook or activity book (extra activities for the acquisition of the second language. Finally, there is the audio or video recordings which is top develop listening skills based on exercises of the coursebook and there are usually exercises to be solved in the classroom. For that reason, there is the audio script which has the script of what the tape recording says.

To sum up, the coursebook and the supplementary materials are as important to guide the class according to the learners needs, class profile and learning style to get agood knowledge of the target language and functions in order to be produced and as a future teacher I learnt that the application of these activities are going to be helpful to motivate to the class with learning of the language. Finally, I will apply this knowledge in order to put together information to create other suplementary activities with strategies to apply them well in the acquisition and production of the second language.    


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A. and Williams, M.

Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Selection and use of coursebook materials. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 156-160. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.026

Yesy´s space...

Yesy´s space...,. (2012). Unit 24: Selection and use of coursebook materials.. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

Sanchez, A.

Sanchez, A. (2013). The selection and use of supplementary materials Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation

First of all, I have to say that consulting reference is very relevant at the moment of planning a year course plan, a unit plan and a class plan in order to plan the activities that need to be done in order to learn and to improve the language.
The reference resources can be found in coursebooks that provide a lot of information. Besides, the  dictionary gives definitions of words in which learners dont understand. For that reason, there are two kind of dictionaries. the monolingual dictionary and the bilingual dictionary that are very important for the acquisition in the target language.

Besides, the reference resources are good for the teachers to teach the grammatical structures and to create suplementary materials in order to make the class more practical with the tasks and the developing of the skills of the language.
Finally, the reference resources are useful to create own teacher coursebooks to apply their own activities and not only to follow the coursebooks required by the institution because the procedure of the class organization is up to the teacher.
In conclusion, what I learnt is that is not necessary to follow the coursebook in order to teach the language because what learners need is other resources that can be found in internet and in other books to give them other new activities to process the language and put it into practice with the rest of the class but it mainly depends on the teacher´s interests and the learner´s needs. Finally, I will apply this knowledge for my students when I try to create my own book with fun activities to produce the language in them.    


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 151-155. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.025

Yesy´s space...,. (2012). Unit 23: Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation.. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from,. (2016). Consulting Reference Resources to Help in Lesson Preparation. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from