viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Selection and use of coursebook materials

In this topic, I have to mention that teachers use many supplementary activities that can be found in internet and in other books in order to improve teaching and learning in students according to the context that is found in a unit or topic for a class.

However, the coursebook has many supplementary activities for the acquisition of the second language or English such as: Teacher´s book which guides the teacher to develop the activities fro the students. Besides, there is the workbook or activity book (extra activities for the acquisition of the second language. Finally, there is the audio or video recordings which is top develop listening skills based on exercises of the coursebook and there are usually exercises to be solved in the classroom. For that reason, there is the audio script which has the script of what the tape recording says.

To sum up, the coursebook and the supplementary materials are as important to guide the class according to the learners needs, class profile and learning style to get agood knowledge of the target language and functions in order to be produced and as a future teacher I learnt that the application of these activities are going to be helpful to motivate to the class with learning of the language. Finally, I will apply this knowledge in order to put together information to create other suplementary activities with strategies to apply them well in the acquisition and production of the second language.    


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A. and Williams, M.

Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. Selection and use of coursebook materials. The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 And 3, 156-160. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139062398.026

Yesy´s space...

Yesy´s space...,. (2012). Unit 24: Selection and use of coursebook materials.. Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

Sanchez, A.

Sanchez, A. (2013). The selection and use of supplementary materials Retrieved 15 January 2016, from

1 comentario:

  1. A coursebook material is one of the most important sources for any English language teacher. Coursebooks have almost always the whole class included in its activities, which depends only of the teacher to know who to develop and perform it in the class. The coursebook activities can also be included in the lesson plan but these activities and this lesson plan should be focused to reach a communicative objective and aim in the lesson, which is to use the English language in order to communicate.
